1971 DS21 Break

While Monté didn't stay long, Brad lingered on for a while. He basically moved into my old Westfalia, which was now semi-permanently set up in the back yard under the pine trees by the barn. He ran an extension cord from the barn and got himself all set up in the camper, with electric light, TV, and VCR. Having Brad there was great to help out with general maintenance on all my cars and just sort of keep me motivated.

It was also handy to have him there to watch my place, as I was traveling more and more. One time work sent me to Madison Wisconsin for a few days. When I came home I found a '17 Break in front of the barn. Just like that.

It turned out that Brad had discovered it in the outlying area some time ago. It was way off in someone's back yard with about six inches of pine needles piled up on the top. Brad approached the people, who promptly said that if he had it towed away he could have it for free. He sat on this little secret until just the right time. As soon as I was off for Madison he got things moving.

He got a flat bed to scoop it up, which was pretty much what they did, as the under structure was completely, utterly rusted apart. When it got back to my place they pretty much poured it off the back of the truck. But Brad got it all tidied up as if it was just sitting there ready to spring to life and convey cargo somewhere.

It was a cool surprise. When I learned that there was no way we could relocate, or even reposition the car, I thought it a bit presumptuous of Brad to have selected the final location without having consulted me. But the outrageousness of the situation eclipsed that and everything else. It's one of the nicest gifts anyone has ever given me, and it remains in its place of prominence in front of my barn, where it will remain until after the time of my death.

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